Monday, 11 January 2016




The policeman crowding the room to find out why the girl was die. Detective-Inspector Stephens turned his attention to the room, nothing the cheap, rickety furniture, and the threadbare carpet. Sergeant Ipsley asked the identification to him. Stephens argued that she was die because the drugs she was heavy smoker. Her name is June Hellier. They continue to look for many information about her. Doctor Pomray also argued that she was overdose. But they won’t really know after autopsy. If it’s deliberate they have a choice between suicide and murder. Stephens found the discovery of a doctor’s appointment. He asked to Pomray who is Dr. Nicholas warren. He met Warren in the dimly lit hall outside the girl’s room. He asked him about the girl. Stephens produced a letter that he get from her handbag. It was a letter typed in executive face on high quality paper. Finally they knew the girl is Sir Robert Hellier.
Warren sat at his desk in consulting-room. Sir Robert Hellier called him and wanted to see him. He suggested Sir Robert come to see him at five o’clock. Sir Robert expect Warren supplied her heroin. Warren was very angry because Hellier accused him a drug peddler.
After that he told the real condition that happen in his daughter and why he prescribed her heroin. He told that she died of a dose of heroin dissolved in a solution of methylamphetamine.  Six months ago, June wanted to see his father but she couldn’t because his father was so busy with their own business. Warren asked him what he did for her in six month ago.
In England the clinics prescribe heroin under controlled conditions to home office registered addicts. It’s not so bad compared with the states. The number of heroin addicted in United Kingdom is doubling every sixteen months. Trust between patient and doctor must be absolute, especially with a drug addict. Hellier understood because Warren had cleaned up a lot of things. Warren found himself in wardour street outside the offices of the Regent picture company. He looked up at the building, ‘rudiculous’ he said aloud. Hellier went back to his flat in st. james. He hated himself perhaps he hated Warren. He worked so hard for Hellen and young June. But when he focused with their work, June had been lost. Miss Walden, his secretary had a letter for him from miss hellier. She would like to see you on Friday. After the meeting with Machet. He flied to Los Angeles then back to New York. He had never once thought of his daughter. He had never given June the opportunity of communication with him. He went over in his mind everything Warren had said and the way in which he had said. He asked firm of investigators to investigators to investigate. Dr. Warren got the research Department to find out all. They could about drug smuggling and report in three days . he put down the telephone and went to his bedroom. He relaxed in the bed, he broke down and his tears wet the pillow.

Warren found himself accepting Hellier’s invitation to meet him in the St. James’s flat. Hellier apologized for the scene he made in his room. He studied warren for a moment why his wife divorced him. She didn’t like his job with drug addicts. Hellier was curious, Warren has ever said the International problem was n stopping the inflow of illicit drugs and he wasn’t prepared to jump off to Iran on a crazy adventure. Hellier was sure warren knew something about drug supplying country. Warren knew he had been right. Hellier had been pushed off balance by the death of his daughter. Warren left Hellier and went to a bar, he met three of his patients. Hellier was incredible but he didn’t know the magnitude of what he had set out to do.
Major Andrew Tozier is mercenary soldier closed Warren. He was unemployed. They was talking about Warren’s patients. They worked together in addict drugs. Tozier would lean on Hellier a bit but warren didn’t want to tell Hellier to him. Warren went home and despite what he had said to Andy Tozier . he went to desk and wrote twenty names and scanned it until remained five.
Warren come to Parker’s house, he wanted to see Dan Parker. Parker was a man forty. He had joined navy in 1962. In the war, a torpedo got loose and rolled on his leg. Now he was doing an interesting job on a mini-cooper. Warren asked Parker Abbot heroin. They would use torpedo to bring heroin. Warren asked Parker to work with him on a job, it will pay twice but Parker refused it. Warren needed a good torpedo, he offered again and again until Parker accepted.
He call Andrew tozier, he would see him at Howard club at ten o’clock. He turned to find John Follet, the manager of the club. Then he talked about Follet’s club. He asked Follet directly to join expedition planned. He would tell the police about Argentinian millionaries, if Follet refused it. But Follet wasn’t afraid and he threw out him directly. Tozier asked Follet why did he throw out Warren. Then he explained to Follet until he understood and accepted it.
Warren was leaving his room when he found Mike Abbot on his doorstep. They were in a discussion. Warren would like Abbot to help him, warren asked abbot involve a trip of a drugs in middle East. He accepted but he would talk to his editor to take holiday.
Warren walked through into a back room, he met Ben Bryan. Bryan was a psychologist working in the field of drugs addiction. Bryan told him that they were threw out from their place. They thought a way to solved that problem.

Warren come to Hellier’s office in Wardour street, but Hellier doesn’t expect to see him. In 1968 a drug ring is smashed in France. They compare the drug trade in USA and London. In America the illegal supply can stop by smashing the drug ring, but Warren isn’t sure they can imply it. Warren predict the illegal intake between two and three tons a year and they talk about the profit from it. Hellier asks Warren about the statement “two names and a place”. The French gang is busted the trade. They will need George Speering, he is pharmaceutical chemist with a lousy reputation. Second name is Jeanette Delorme, Warren only know the name that come up in connection with Speering, and the place is in Iran. Hellier wanted this gang is smashed by the team that he has made. If they success they will get bonus. Warren is going to sell Soho Therapy Centre. Hellier asks warren the ability and the function in the field. Half the scenes are set in Iran, they are going to make film there. Hellier will give anything the team needs.
Andy Tozier approach Warren and asks what he is going into, Tozier also asks the vehicle and equipment that will be used to Iran and asks money to make a few modifications. Then Warren answer all his questions.
Warren tell Bryan that Hellier has some teams, they are in Paris, in Jeanette Delormes born. He tell that Hellier have given 70.000 Euro for them only a couple of years. Hellier shows a file to warren, then asks him to read and tell it. He just to find out where she lives and her standing in the community. Hellier is not sure when Dan did it alone. Therefore Warren asks Abbot and Bryan to support him. Hellier tells that Speering will move soon. He anticipate by providing the investigator to supervise Speering in a plan. Warren, Tozier, and Follet charter aircraft which carry two Land Rovers. Parker and Abbot are on their way to the Lebanon.
At 7.30 Warren come into Mr. Lane’s room. He drinks a lot there. In the morning he has a visitor John Eastman, he is American. They have lunch in the Hilton dining-room. Lane and Warren are talking about Speering. Warren want to see Speering. Tozier comes to Warren and asks what should he do next. He asks what should they do on Speering that he comes here to extract morphine from opium. Warren tell him the differences between morphine and heroin.
Tozier and Warren will stick behind from Tehran to Qazvin. Tozier is waiting them in Zanjan. He is in the valley bottom, but Speering beat them, he can can pass their supervising.
Hellier and his team is in their expedition in Middle East. They discuss where they will across, they across the sea or the coast, They want to avoid Jeanette Delorme. Jeanette has known that they want to fail her plan and she wants to chase them. Finally they decide to choose a coast for their way in expedition.
They discuss how to get Jack Eastman out from the compartment. Firstly they face the difficulties because the door of the compartment is dangerous to be passed, so they should think hardly to help Eastman out from there. Finally Eastment can get out from there because Follet’s idea to pass gas line.
Jamil Hassan is a methodical man. He doesn’t know about a shooting on board of a ship. The ship leaves El-gamhuria shipyard. A policeman interrogates Andre Picot, he is a suspected smuggler.
On their way they prepare all the stuff to face Delorme’s pressure. Metcalf look all around their Orestes ship and he look another Stella Del Marre ship ahead their ship. It’s only six miles far away. They know that is Delorme’s ship but they get ready for the war. Delorme will kill all the crew. Metcalf gives a direction to all his friend to take their guns. Tozier take sub-machine. Tozier gives a chance out to Eastman. He comes out shooting and Tozier stops him.
After the distance only four miles, Tozier asks Parker to protect Hellier. He asks to bring him in the bow place in the ship. Warren hears the cannon fire ahead their ship. He feels wonder. Metcalf responses Delorme shooting with two torpedoes shooting but both is missing.
Warren gets the effect from the explosion. One of his leg is broke but he can reach Parker and Tozier. Abbot run to the machine-guns and open up again. He slam his hand just as a burst of machine-guns fire and torpedoes hit her. She erupted as over three hundred and fifty pound of TNT exploded in her guts and finally Jeanette Delorme is died.
Warren is thinking about Mike Abbot and Ben Bryan. Two dead of the original team of five. Hellier comes closer to them and tell who is Jamil Hassan. He is police officer in Lebanon. Hassan says thanks to them because they have helped him in that case that he cannot finish it. He will pick up them to the hotel and gives them air tickets.
Parker tell that there is one thousand kilos heroin there. Hassan suggests them bury the body of this brave man at sea.
They are very sad but they think Abbot and Bryan will be satisfied because the unknown number of people mostly in United States will live longer and have happier lives.


The textual meaning of The Spoilers is the person or thing that spoils and the contextual meaning is the drug peddlers.
            The author used omniscient point of view, because the author tells me not only what the characters say and what the characters act, but also what the characters feel.
The characters are dr. Warren, sir Robert Hellier, Andy Tozier, Dan Parker, John Follet, Mike Abbot, Ben Bryan, Metcalf, Jack Eastman, George Speering, Jeanette Delorme. The protagonist charactesr are dr. Warren, sir Robert Hellier, Andy Tozier, Dan Parker, John Follet, Mike Abbot, Ben Bryan, Metcalf. The antagonist character is Jeanette Delorme. The dynamic characters are Mike Abbot, Ben Bryan, Eastman and the flat character are . Warren, sir Robert Hellier, Andy Tozier, Dan Parker, John Follet, Metcalf, George Speering, Jeanette Delorme.
The author used mix characterization between direct characterization because the author characterize the characters directly using narration, and indirect characterization because the author characterize the characters indirect using conversation.
The setting of the story is in in London but the main setting happens in Middle East like Iran, Lebanon.The author used mix plot between flash back and forward plot. The theme of the story is the crucial expedition in the Middle East to stop the supplying of the drugs.
The lesson that I can take are the parents should care about his children. We have to care all of people even unknown people. Team work is needed to reach the goal.

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