chapter consists of background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic,
research question, the limitation of the study, objective of the study,
definition of key terms, and significance of the study.
A. Background of the Study
has been taught from elementary school but there are still many problems for
students to improve their English. Therefore, the way to solve those problems
is much needed in learning English. There are two cycles that students should
learn and of course master it, first is spoken cycle, listening and speaking
are included in it. Second is written cycle, they are reading and writing. Therefore,
teacher has an important role to make students master all cycles. Students’
success depends on teacher ways. Reading is one of the important factors on
students’ success in learning English, because reading is a skill that relates
with another skill. From reading, students can improve their pronunciation,
vocabularies, grammar and their knowledge.
to Alyousef (2005:143) in Goodman (1983:554), reading is a guessing game in
which the reader reconstructs, as best as he can, a message which has been
encoded by a writer. It means reading is a process of guessing the meaning of the text. The reader
should arrange from word to word until sentence is formed and the reader tries
to read the message, which the writer makes in every sentence.
can be defined as a process of looking at and understanding what is written but
it is not as simple as that, for many understand something and not others and
still be reading (Bottino, 63). It means the reader should understand the
written text in reading but it is not easy to be done. The reader should know
some elements such as vocabularies, grammar rule, etc.
reading is not easy and it becomes more challenging for the teacher. The
teacher should have some strategies to make students understand about the text.
For the first time, the teacher can choose the text based on the students’
grades or levels. By choosing texts of the right difficulty and interest level
will encourage children to read and to enjoy what they are reading. (Pang, Muaka, Bernhardt, and Kamil, 2003:
13). In senior high school, the teacher can see the syllabus first. Then the
teacher can look for the texts, which are appropriate with the materials.
alternative strategy, which the teacher can use, is extensive reading. According
to Stoeckel, Reagan, and Hann (2011:1) in Bamford and Day (2004:1), Extensive
reading is an approach to language teaching in which learners read a lot of
easy material in the new language. They choose their own reading material and
read it independently of the teacher. They read for general, overall meaning,
and they read for information and enjoyment.
The teacher can use the strategy in teaching reading.
It depends the problems that the teacher faces it. The teacher need to use
various ways in teaching reading, it can make students feel fun and motivated
in learning English. Finally, the teachers should be creative in teaching
English especially in teaching reading.
and Featherstone (2005:14) in Burns (2000:50) define that news as something
that binds ‘people together in a
sense of community’. It means news can be a bridge in people relationship in
daily life, people can share each other the new information or news even hot
news which happen certain time.
the news through newspapers has faced constant challenges (Franklin, 2008:2).
It means there are some challenges to get information in the newspapers, such
as to get the main idea of the text, to know cause and effect of certain
situations, etc. it also becomes a challenge to the teacher to make the
students understand about the information in the text of the newspapers. English
newspapers have been experimented by some people in the world.
are three studies that promote English newspapers in reading; Tafani (2009) entitled Teaching English through Mass Media, Lancouchová (2006)
entitled using magazines and newspapers
in ELT with interpersonal and intrapersonal types of students, and Mehta (2010) entitled English Newspapers: Exploring Innovative Methodological
B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic
According to
Johnson (2008: 7), reading is not an isolated process. Four language processes
work together to enhance the development of each of the others: speaking, listening, reading,
and writing. It means reading is one of skills that enhance another skills so
the role of reading is very important to support another skills.
Based on
interview which is done by the writer and the teacher in SMA Negeri 1
Balapulang, there are some problems that students face in learning English; lack
of vocabularies, grammar, reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Because almost
all skills become a problem, it is impossible to be investigated. Then, the
writer only chooses reading for his research because the writer believes that if
the students good in reading they will be good in other skills.
The teacher only
used the textbook as a main source in teaching reading. The information are on
the textbook is limited while the students need a lot of information. Then the
writer chooses English newspapers as alternative reading material. From English
newspapers, the students can learn more about many vocabularies, grammar rule,
and the way of the writer that become the problems of the students in learning
English. The materials can be challenging and interesting for the students thus
the students become more interesting to read.
Relating to the
case above, the writer conduct a research entitled:
Effect of Using English Newspapers on Students’ Reading Achievement to the
Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang”.
C. Research Question
on the background of the study above, the writer formulates the questions as
1. How
is the implementation of teaching reading using English newspapers to the
2. Is
the implementation of teaching reading using English newspapers effective to
the students?
3. How
effective is the implementation of teaching reading using English newspapers to
the students?
4. Is
there any significant difference in reading achievement between students who
are taught by using English newspapers and those who are not?
D. The Limitation of the Study
to the School Level – Based Curriculum or KTSP, teaching and learning process
of English is emphasized on the introduction of text genre. At senior high
school, the text genres are taught such as Narrative, Descriptive, News Item,
Recount, Report, Review, etc. In this research, the writer takes the limitation
of the study on reading achievement in reading a text. The writer uses report
and analytical exposition text in teaching reading by using English newspapers at
the eleventh grade of senior high school at SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang. English newspapers,
which are used by the writer in this research, are Jakarta post, Reuters, and
BBC News.
E. Objective of the Study
Based on the
research statement, this study aimed at finding out:
1. To
describe the implementation of teaching reading using English newspapers to
2. To
measure whether or not the implementation of teaching reading using English
newspapers effective to students.
3. To
measure how effective is the implementation of teaching reading using English
newspapers to the students.
4. To
measure whether or not there is any significant difference between students who
are taught using English newspaper and those who are not.
of Key Terms
English Newspapers.
Its are printed publications usually daily or weekly with local and abroad news
(Kunek, 2002:13). English newspapers are newspapers that are in the way of
writing using English; it can be local newspapers or international newspapers.
There are three English newspapers that will be used by the writer; Jakarta
post, Reuters, and BBC News. Jakarta post is a famous local English newspaper comes
from Jakarta, Reuters is a news office, which is located in London, England while
BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation is a television station, radio from UK.
BBC also provides online news through BBC news.
It is the ability to associate a written word or string of letters with the
spoken word that it represents and, consequently, with the concepts or meanings
associated with this word (Kruidenier, 2002:35). Reading has an
important role in the success of teaching and learning English. From reading,
we can know everything in this world knowledge, technology, events, sports and
Report. It
is a text that describes the way things are, with reference to arrange of
natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment (Astuti, 2010:26). A
report provides information by stating facts. It often describes a class of
things. Its purpose is to present information about something. Its generic
structure is general classification and description. The generic structure
tells what phenomenon under discussion is. It may include a definition,
classification or brief description. The description tells what phenomenon
under discussion is like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors, if
living; uses, if non-natural.
Analytical Exposition.
It is a text which persuades the readers or listeners that something is the
case, give a point of view, and confirms what is claimed (Astuti, 2010:95). Its
social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is an
important matter. Its generic structure is thesis, arguments, and reiteration. The thesis introduces a topic, outlines
main idea or point of view to be presented (thesis statement). The arguments
provide the evidence (arguments) to support the thesis statement; each
paragraph identifies a particular point, the elaboration may be further
description, analysis, justification, giving examples, comparing, contrasting,
etc. The conclusion restates the position, perhaps with some emphasis.
G. Significance of the Study
The result
of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the result of this study is
expected to be able to widen the skill of teachers in using English newspapers
in order to improve student’s reading skill. As a reference to other
researchers who want to study using of English newspapers more intensively in
teaching reading.
the result of this study is suggested to apply this strategy to increase the
students’ competence in English reading skill. The use of using English
newspapers in reading can make the students feel more enjoyable in doing their
tasks associated with the reading materials.
chapter consists of previous studies, learning media in ELT, English newspaper,
newspaper elements, the
advantages of using English newspapers, developing
habit of reading English newspapers amongst the students, English newspapers contain
for ESL classroom exercises, reading at senior high school, reading, reading
strategies and techniques, the importance of teaching reading, logical
assumption, and hypotheses.
A. Previous Studies
There are three previous studies that claim there is the
effectiveness of using English newspapers on students’ reading achievement.
First, Tafani (2009) conducted the research on Teaching English through Mass Media. Newspaper
is one of kinds of mass media. The problems of this study are 1) How can
Media help my students speak more 2) How can the teacher help my students not
to forget what they learn through Media. The objective of this study is analyzing the importance of using Mass Media in
the classroom and finding the ways how to use Printed and Audio-visual Media. The method of this study is quantitative
research and it includes an in-depth study, surveys and questionnaires. The findings of this study are first, media
provide huge information, they motivate students to speak and help them
integrate listening, reading, talking and writing skills, through various kinds
of activities. Second, a clear example are Power Point presentations which help
students speak freely, eye contact, organize ideas. Through Media Presentations,
there is more communication and collaboration among students, while working
with the pages of a book is more individual, less collaborative and less
interactive. Third, there is so much information available at the click of a
mouse but at the same time you have the feeling that there is little memory
space in the brain and students may forget everything, so, try to select the
most important things and review and review till they are located in the
long-term memory.
Lancouchová (2006) conducted the
research on using magazines and
newspapers in ELT with interpersonal and intrapersonal types of students.
The problem of this study is improving the remaining skills, reading included,
is often not given the appropriate attention. This unfortunate situation in
which reading is only treated as an outside activity consisting mostly from
reading a text, checking student’s general comprehension or even language to language
translation. The objective of this study is to introduce another additional
source of teaching practice: newspapers as an authentic material and magazines
as a semi-authentic material in the EFL class. The method of this study is quantitative research and it describes theoretical part and
practical part. The findings of this
study are first, the newspapers and magazines were described as a good
source for practicing the English language. It was stressed that using
newspapers as authentic material and magazines as semi-authentic material is
very important for a learner’s connection with ´real´ English. Second, this
thesis also addressed the effectiveness of including English through newspapers
and magazines in the EFL student’s learning process. Third, even though working
with authentic newspapers was at times too difficult for my students, semi-authentic
magazines used during my English lessons seemed to be a bit more interesting
and less complex. And the last is integrating authentic newspapers and
semi-authentic magazines into classroom curricula seemed to be very useful for
my students and it extended their language knowledge and skills.
Mehta (2010) conducted the research on English Newspapers: Exploring Innovative
Methodological Paradigm. The
problem of this study is the newspapers are regarded one of the most reliable,
easily available, less expensive and effective sources of sharing information
and knowledge. The objective of this study is to encourage and motivate the
students and help them to sharpen their LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and
Writing) skills by English newspapers. The method of this study is quantitative research. The finding of this study is technology
enabled English Language learning tools are only available in some schools, it
is quite imperative for a ESL teacher to use resources which are readily
available to them, including English newspapers. Scholars must work out a
strategy on developing a new teaching model about using the English newspapers
as an effective tool to improve English as a language.
The differences
between the writer’s research with the first previous studies are design of the
research, sample of the research, and the research question. Then, the
differences between the writer’s research with the second previous studies are
the design and the sample of the research. The last, the differences between
the writer’s research with the third previous studies are the design and the
sample of the research.
The similarities
between the writer’s research with the first previous studies refer to the
method of the research and the finding. It helps them integrate listening,
reading, talking and writing skills, through various kinds of activities. Then the
similarities between the writer’s research with the second previous studies are
the method of the research and the finding. It addresses
the effectiveness of including
English through newspapers and magazines in the EFL student’s learning process.
The last, the similarities between the writer’s research with the third
previous studies are also the method of the research and the finding.
Based on the previous studies, it can be
concluded that English newspapers give positive effect in teaching reading. It
is proved that using English newspapers is not only made the students more
understand in learning English but also can make a connection between students
with real English.
B. Learning Media in ELT
Media are
important because we get to know the world through using them; we understand the
world and try to change it (Mahalakshmi, 2013:81). “We live in a world where
media are omnipresent. An increasing number of people spend a great deal of
time watching television, reading newspapers and magazines, playing records and
listening to the radio. The school and the family share the responsibility of
preparing the young person living in a world of powerful images, words and
sounds” (UNESCO Declaration on Media, 1982). In second language learning more
exposure should be given to the students to acquire the proficiency over the language.
For this purpose, through various media only we can provide an opportunity to learn
the language as the native speakers of the language.
Media Education
is important because it develops students’ creative powers for those images, words
and sounds that come to the students from various Media. Media Education has to
do with film and television, press and radio, their impact on the students’
progress. It has to do with what to teach through media, when and how. Its aim
is to enable students to develop critical thinking, analyzing and reflecting on
their experiences while using various means of Media.
Mass media
provide students with a lot of language practice through activities using newspapers,
magazines, radio, TV, movies, books, Internet, etc, and tasks which develop reading,
writing, speaking and listening skills. They also provide students with lots of
inside and outside classroom activities, promoting extensive reading by giving
the students the confidence and the ability to continue their reading outside
the classroom and above all they enhance motivation. Media keep us informed
about what is happening in the world, they extend our knowledge and deepen our
understanding. Nowadays the information is abundant, it comes through different
sources, but we should try how to benefit from this information, how to learn
about specific issues, how to become aware of problems, opportunities and
resources, how to find issues we are interested in, how to identify the issues
that have impact on us, etc. So, it is easy to get this information but it is
difficult to choose and more difficult to bring it to the classroom which needs
teacher efficiency.
C. English Newspapers
is a group of information such as news, articles, and advertising that is
published periodically. Newspaper can be brought in the classroom and it can
make the difference situation in it. The various ways to teach is needed to
make students do not feel bored in learning English.
Cole and Harcup (2010:4) discussed that a
newspaper has been described as a portable reading device with serendipity. You
can take it anywhere and read it anywhere. You do not have to plug it in or
recharge it. The newspapers can be found and brought in the classroom easily,
it can make the teacher easy to get the materials for teaching then conduct it
to the students.
(2006:5) defined that the newspaper is the ultimate informational text. This
teacher’s guide provides educators with specific activities to help students
develop and extend their ability to comprehend informational text structures
and organization. From the newspapers, the teacher asks the students to read
the text and makes some activities such as students are asked to comprehend the
text and to guest the structures and organization of the text.
several definitions mentioned above, the writer concludes that English
newspapers can be found and can be brought easily in the classroom to teach the
students and the teacher can make some activities with the text in the
D. Newspaper
According to Garret (2006:6),
newspaper elements are divided into several parts, they are:
content provides information about the real world of the reader. International,
national, state and local people and events are the subjects of news and
feature stories every day. Anything that touches the lives of readers can be
found in the newspaper, from weather reports, to stock prices, to community
problems and solutions, to national decisions that affect the country and the
The newspapers
see themselves as primary resources for many different kinds of information.
News is gathered and written by professional journalists who operate under
clear codes of ethics. Professional photographers and artists develop
photographs and art elements. Professionals with degrees and backgrounds create
advertising in business and marketing. Newspapers hold all of their employees
to high standards of performance.
The newspaper
contains a variety of navigational aids to help readers quickly find
information they are seeking. Newspapers are usually divided into specific
sections – such as news, business, lifestyle and sports. Many times, the
section has its own “front page.” Newspapers identify each page with a folio line,
which gives the name of the newspaper, the date, the section and the page
The newspapers
may include newspaper or section content previews with front-page elements,
such as “in this section” boxes which provide information about stories inside
the section. The classified advertising section of the newspaper has its own
index to help readers locate information quickly.
The newspaper
uses graphic devices wherever an editor thinks that information can best be
provided in a visual format. Locator maps, data charts and tables often
accompany news stories. Feature stories and how-to columns use diagrams and
tables. Sports stories are accompanied by box scores in tables and data charts
providing information about an individual or team performance. National and/or
regional maps usually dominate the weather page with icons indicating specific
weather predictions.
The newspaper
has a staff of professional photographers and artists who provide visual
support for news and feature stories. Editors realize that photos and
illustrations are efficient ways to transmit information. Newspaper
photographers take photos of local and regional events; sometimes, photos
accompany stories and sometimes, the photos and captions (called cutline) are
stand-alone features. Wire photos are used to provide information about
national and international news events. Newspaper artists provide illustrations
to add information and impact to news stories and features.
The newspapers
provide many examples of comparative/contrastive text structures. The editorial
and op-ed pages of the newspaper provide text in which different points of view
are presented and debated. Many newspapers have regular science features, which
often use comparison and contrast.
h. The
newspaper categorizes its content in ways to make information easily accessible
to readers. The newspaper categorizes news and features by topics. The
newspaper has an index on page one, which directs readers to appropriate
information. The classified ad section categorizes ads by function. Within each
ad category, information is usually arranged in a particular order. For
example, autos might be listed by brand name and year.
E. The Advantages of Using English Newspapers
can use English newspapers in their teaching learning process because using
English newspapers has many advantages. According to Mehta (2010:56), the main
advantages of using English newspapers in an ESL classroom are:
a. Provide
motivation for reading and discussion in English.
b. Develop
affection and interest towards the use of English Language.
c. Make
the process of learning interesting and innovative.
d. Flexible
and adaptable to all curriculum areas and grade levels.
e. Promote
good reading habits that will help in a better understanding.
f. Offer
a wide variety of knowledge and information -- news, sports, weather,
editorials, and comics.
g. A
very cost-effective way to impart learning.
h. Contain
practical vocabulary and the best models of clear, concise writing.
i. Develop
writing, speaking and listening skills of the students.
j. Explore
and unfold the world of knowledge and information.
k. Lessons
take time to prepare. Once a teacher finds an interesting material, he/she may
use it repeatedly.
l. Helpful
in learning grammatical usages, carefully crafted sentence structures and
idioms and phrases besides new words.
The English newspapers
can be used for ESL learners of all levels. For beginning students, the large print
headlines, recognizable symbols and numbers, and many color and black-and-white
photographs can communicate information that students understand. At an
intermediate level, the newspaper offers exposure to print, to graphic devices,
and to punctuation. Advanced students can read English newspapers much as a
native speaker would, skimming some articles, reading others completely, and ignoring
those parts of the newspaper of small interest to them.
F. Developing
Habit of Reading English Newspapers amongst the Students
to Mehta (2010:57), English newspapers are good sources for students to know
about the world. In English newspapers, there is much information, which is
good for students’ knowledge. In the other hand, the using of English
newspapers is still limit in the teaching whereas the using of English
newspapers has many advantages for students. Therefore, it is needed the ways to
change the students habit.
measures can be applied as to develop habit of reading English newspapers among
the students:
a. Motivate
the students to read at least one English newspaper on regular basis for a
month or two.
b. Ask
the students to select the most interesting part of the newspaper that appeals
them. They can read it and report to other classmates.
c. Encourage
the students to read outside class as much as possible.
d. Help
the students to become better learners. Reading is a great way of acquiring
language. It will be very handy in developing their reading skills, writing
skills, and vocabulary.
e. Talk
about reading and comprehension of English texts with your learners as well,
and share strategies that they can use when reading.
f. Encourage
the students to keep and refer an authentic dictionary while reading the
newspaper. At the initial stages, the students can be asked to understand the meanings
of hard/new words with the help of context so that flow and interest during
reading can be maintained.
g. Try
to encourage the students to comprehend the story/feature/article as a whole.
They should be made enable to have their focus on getting a complete picture
rather than being stuck with the parts that they do not understand at ease.
h. Encourage
the students to pen down the details/information that are relevant and useful
for them, as it will enable them to develop writing notes/essays/paragraphs/summary
G. English
Newspapers Contain for ESL Classroom Exercises
to Mehta (2010:58), English newspapers can be used not only for reading
comprehension but also for writing skill, vocabulary mastery, grammar and
others. It is caused the content of English newspapers are complete.
are the main ingredients of the English newspapers:
a. News Stories:
The front page
is considered as the mirror of any newspaper. It contains all the breaking or
important news in it. The headlines of the front page are prepared meticulously
with an aim to draw the attention of the readers.
b. Feature Stories:
Feature stories
are very helpful in sharing information on the topics of reader’s interest.
These stories may be based upon a trend, event, situation etc.
c. Special Features:
Special features
are meant to have a healthy discussion on a specific issue or a special case/event/story.
d. Editorial and Letters to
the Editor:
columns reflect the views of the editor/ editorial team/guest writer. Editorial
columns are considered very insightful and thought provoking ones. They help
the readers to build up their thoughts and views and promote a high level of
thinking skills. The letters to the Editors represent the opinions of the
readers. It is helpful in bringing out the views of the readers before other
g. Advertisements/Classified:
advertisements/classified items are very helpful for the readers to know more
about an existing or a newly launched product(s).
h. Miscellaneous Items:
In a newspaper,
the readers can easily find timetable of Trains/Flights, schedule of events,
television, theatre, movies etc. we can also get useful information on weather,
fashion, share-market, trade etc.
H. Reading
at Senior High School
reading is more challenging because is not enough to bring in others kind of
reading materials and students see reading as an uninteresting and painful
process. So the teacher should be creative in choosing appropriate reading materials.
to the syllabus in senior high school especially for the eleventh grade, the
materials for reading in senior high school for the eleventh grade consist of narrative,
report, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, etc. The types of
genre are taught as follows; for the first is Report. The social function of
report is to describes the way things are, with reference to arrange of
natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment (Astuti, 2010:26). It
means report text is used to describe something. Its generic structure is
general classification and description. The generic structure tells what
phenomenon under discussion is. It may include a definition, classification or
brief description. The description tells what phenomenon under discussion is
like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors, if living; uses, if
second one is Analytical Exposition. The social function of Analytical
Exposition is to persuade the reader that the idea is an important matter (Astuti,
2010:95). It means that this text is used to persuade the readers about the
problem. Its generic structure is thesis, arguments, and reiteration. The
thesis introduces a topic, outlines main idea or point of view to be presented
(thesis statement). The arguments provide the evidence (arguments) to support
the thesis statement; each paragraph identifies a particular point, the
elaboration may be further description, analysis, justification, giving
examples, comparing, contrasting, etc. The conclusion restates the position,
perhaps with some emphasis.
is an activity to get some information from the text through comprehends it. With
reading the texts, it can make some positive influences to the readers such as
add their knowledge, know the present events, catch the hot issues etc.
to Alyousef (2005:144), reading can be seen as an “interactive” process between
a reader and a text, which leads to automaticity or (reading fluency). When
someone read, the text there is a connection between the reader and the text that
can give a good effect to the readers’ comprehension.
is a process shaped partly by the text, partly by the reader's background, and
partly by the situation the reading occurs in Hermida (2009:23) in Hunt (2004:137). Reading is the practice of using text to create meaning.
The two key words here are creating and meaning. If there is no meaning being
created, there is no reading taking place (Johnson, 2008:3). Reading is a simple
process: readers decode (figure out how to pronounce each word in a text and
then automatically comprehend of the words, as they do with their everyday
spoken language (Schoenbach, 1999:38).
is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive the messages
and the brain then has to work out the significance of these messages. A
reading text moves at the speed of the reader. The fact that reading texts are
stationary is clearly a huge advantage.
is one of the essential language skills comprising every language lesson and
the whole process of learning itself (Lancouchová, 2006:7).
on the definitions above, the writer concludes that reading is a process
between the reader and the text, an activity that is dominated by the eyes and
the brain, and as a message-getting, problem-solving activity. Reading relates
with the reader, the text, the eyes, and the brain.
Strategies and Techniques
understand the text is difficult for students, it becomes a challenge for the
teacher because in English newspapers there are many texts inside. Therefore,
the teacher should have strategies and techniques in reading. According to
Lancouchová (2006:14), many reading strategies and techniques may help students
to be a better reader, they are:
a. Activating
prior knowledge - the teacher uses this as a pre-reading activity, which
enables the reader to make connections between something they already know and
the new knowledge from the reading material.
b. Clarifying
- used throughout reading, students ask questions, reread, restate and visualize,
making the text more comprehensible.
c. Context
Clues – using words surrounding an unknown word to determine its meaning.
d. Drawing
Conclusions – used after reading, the students use written or visual clues to
figure out something that is not stated, students respond with their ideas and
opinions based on information learned from reading the text.
e. Evaluating
– used during and after reading, it encourages students to form their opinions,
make judgments and develop ideas from reading; teachers make evaluative
questions and these lead the student to evaluate a text critically.
f. Inference
- used during reading, students give a logical guess based on facts to help the
students understand the deeper meaning of a text.
g. Predicting
– used before and during reading, students use the text to guess what will
happen next, and then they confirm or reject their own prediction as they read.
h. Rereading
– gives students another chance to understand a challenging text better.
i. Restating
– used during reading, the students shorten or summarize the meaning of a
chapter or a passage.
j. Setting
a purpose – used before reading, the students read directions for a reading
task and then determine why they are being asked to read; the reader provides
focus by setting a purpose.
k. Scanning
– reading quickly to locate specific information, or looking for specific answer.
l. Skimming-
reading for a quick ´gist´ of a chapter or section.
m. Visualizing
– used during reading, it is introduced by reading aloud while students close
their eyes and imagine how it looks, and then students write or draw what they
K. The Importance of Teaching Reading
to Alyousef (2005:147) in Hedge (2003), any reading component of an English
language course may include a set of learning goals for :
a. The
ability to read a wide range of texts in English. This is the long-range goal most
teachers seek to develop through independent readers outside EFL/ESL classroom.
b. Building
knowledge of language, which will facilitate reading ability.
c. Building
schematic knowledge.
d. The
ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (i.e. skimming,
e. Developing
an awareness of the structure of written texts in English.
f. Taking
a critical stance to the contents of the texts.
The last goal
can be implemented at an advanced level. Students, however, should be kept
aware that not all internet content is authentic since there are no “gate
keepers” and anyone can post whatever he/she likes in this cyberspace.
Consequently, students can check the authenticity of the text by looking at the
following indicators: whether the article gives the name of the author or no,
the date of publication, the aim of the article, etc.
L. Logical Assumption
newspaper is a good source for the teacher that can be used as a tool in
learning English. It can develop all skills such as listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. So the teacher can
choose the topic based on the objectives that want be achieved in the last of
teaching. The writer focuses in using English newspapers to develop the
students’ reading achievement.
is one of skills that are important in learning English. Someone’s reading
ability influences the ability of another skills for example someone who has a
good ability in speaking, he firstly learn to speak English by reading the
text, from that text he knows how to pronounce words correctly. After that, he
applies it in his way to say something. The writer wants to know the effect of
using English newspapers to the students’ reading achievement.
on the descriptive on related literature and the logical assumption, the
hypotheses of the research are formulated as Null Hypothesis in statistic
Hypothesis 1 (
using English newspapers are not effective in teaching reading on their reading
achievement for the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic
year of 2014/2015.
Hypothesis 2 (
using English textbooks are not effective in teaching reading on their reading
achievement for the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic
year of 2014/2015.
Hypothesis 3 (
is no significant difference between students who are taught
by using English newspaper and those who are not.
chapter consists of approach, type, and design of the research, population,
sample, and sampling technique, data collecting technique, research instrument,
and data analysis technique.
A. Approach,
Type and Design of the Research
Research approach is a way or a plan that will be
used to conduct a research. In this research, the writer used
quantitative approach. Sugiyono (2013:7) states that:
research method is named traditional method, because this method has been used
in long time so that it is used as method for research. This method is called
as positivistic method because it is based on positivism philosophy. This
method as scientific method because it has fulfilled scientific principles,
they are concrete / empiric, objective, measured, rational, and systematic.
on the statement above, quantitative research method can be define as research
method which has been used in long time and it is complete as a method because
it fulfilled scientific principles. In this research, the writer did clear
steps, starting from research questions, theories, hypotheses, collecting data,
analyzing data, and making conclusion and suggestion.
Research type is a kind of research that would be
done by the writer. In this research, the writer would find
the effect of using English newspapers on students’ reading achievement. Therefore,
the writer used experimental research as the type of this research. In experimental
research, the writer does a manipulation toward independent variable, does
measurement toward independent and dependent variable itself (Sudjana, 2009:56).
Dependent Variable
1. The Description of Experimental Research
this research, the writer used one group design and two group designs (figure 2)
to know the effectiveness of using English newspapers in teaching reading. First,
one group design is used to know there is an effect or not using English
newspapers in teaching reading. Second, two group designs is used to know
whether there is significant difference between both groups. In this design,
there were two groups as samples. One group is an experimental group and the
other is the control group. The first group or experimental group is a group of
the students that was taught by using English newspapers. The second group or
control group is a group of students that was not taught by using English
newspapers but it was taught by using a single text in a textbook that was always
used by the teacher in the school.
this design, the writer chose two groups randomly, then the writer gave pretest
to know the condition whether there is significant different between experimental
and control group. The result of pretest is good if the score experimental
group is not different significantly. Treatment influence (
) - (
) (Sugiyono, 2013:76).
Figure 2. Pretest-Posttest
Control Group Design
R : experimental
and control group that are chosen randomly.
X : the
special approach/strategy/method.
writer gave pretest and posttest of each group. Pretest was used to measure the
ability of the students before giving the treatment and posttest was used to
know the effect of using English newspapers on students’ reading achievement.
Posttest was given after the writer applied the treatment to the experimental
group and control group. The writer analyzed the result of this treatment from
posttest and the writer compared the result between experimental group and
control group. Then, the writer compared the results of pretest and posttest of
each group, whether there is effect in students’ reading achievement after
being given the treatment.
the result had been compared, the writer was able to take the conclusion that
there is significant difference between the students who were taught by using
English newspapers and those who were taught without using English newspapers.
B. Population,
Sample, and Sampling Technique
According to Arikunto (2006:130), population
is a whole of the research subjects. It means that the researcher should
conduct the research to all of subjects of the research but it is impossible to
do it,
so the writer only took a little part of subject that has the same
Population is so wide, even it can
be counted the number and the measurement, so it is impossible to be
investigated (Sudjana, 2009:71). The population of this research
was the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Balapulang that consist of students who
were divided into 9 classes, those are XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4,
XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XI IPS 3, XI IPS 4, and XI IPS 5.
is a part of population that will be investigated in the research. Sample will
represent the population as the subject of the study. The sample must be
represented the whole of population.
of research is a part or research representation of population (Arikunto, 2006:131)
or process take apart of subject, indication, or object on population (Sudjana
of sample were 60 students at the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang
that divided into 2 groups; each group consists of 30 students. One group is an
experimental group and the other group is control group. The sample, which was
used by the writer, is believed homogenous. The homogeneity could be seen from
score of the pretest.
get the sample in this research, the writer used simple random sampling
technique. On simple random sampling, the writer took sample from the
population randomly, so every subject in the population has chance to be
selected as sample in this research (Arikunto, 2006:134).
this research, the writer used cluster random sampling technique and random
sampling technique to choose the sample from the population. Cluster random
sampling is the way to choose the certain group (in class) at random without
see the ability of the students itself (Sudjana, 2009:73). At first, the writer
used cluster random sampling because in cluster random sampling the students got
same chance to be sample of the research. The writer chose two classes not
individually randomly. Those two classes were one class as experimental group,
and the other as control group. The two
groups were taught the same topic but different material source and method in
teaching reading.
class consists of 32 students, to get 30 students each class as the sample of
the research, the writer then used random sampling. In this random sampling,
the writer chose the sample by using paper writing the name of students and
made the paper like ball. Then, the writer put 30 papers to be the sample of
the research.
C. Data
Collecting Technique
this research, the writer used instrument test as the technique to collect the
data. Test as instrument of collecting data is a group of exercise, which is
used to measure knowledge, intelligence, ability that are owned by individual
or group. Test is a tool, questions of exercises, which are used to measure the
skills, knowledge of intelligence, talent or ability in individual or group
(Arikunto, 2006:150).
order to collect the data, the writer used multiple choices with five options;
a, b, c, d and e for each item of reading test. The test content 40 test items
in allocation time 80 minutes. The test was divided into two; those are pretest
and posttest. The writer gave pretest to the experimental group and control
group to know the students’ reading achievement before using English newspapers
in teaching-learning process. The writer also gave posttest to the experimental
group and control group to know the students’ reading achievement after using
English newspapers in teaching-learning process. The posttest was given after
teaching-learning process to both groups. The effectiveness of the treatment
were shown by the differences between pretest and posttest for experimental
group. The differences of the groups were shown by the result between posttest
for experimental group and posttest for control group.
D. Research
is a tool or a way to filter the data (Sudjana, 2009:52). It means that
instrument is a tool or a way to get a data in a research. An instrument had an
important role in collecting data. The data would be reliable if we chose the
right instrument. There are some instruments in research such as test,
questioner and observation. In this research, the writer used one kind of
instrument. It is a reading test.
this research, the writer used reading test. The test contains of 50 items of
multiple choice with 25 questions of report text and 25 questions of analytical
exposition text. There are five alternative answers a, b, c, d and e and the
time allocation is 90 minutes. To know the validity and reliability of the instrument,
the writer tried out the test to other students who do not belongs to
experimental and control group. Try out the instrument was intended to know
whether the items were good items quality or not.
order, to make the instrument of research is valid and reliable. An instrument
is asserted as valid instrument if it can measure what will be measured.
Validity is a standard or criteria on that show whether the instrument is valid
or not (Arikunto, 2006:168). A test or an instrument is valid when it could
measure what will be measured.
good research is a research, which has valid data. Therefore, the writer needs
validity test to check whether the data, which has got is valid or not. In this
research, the results were valid if the instrument had been tested in accordance
with the material being taught.Validity of the test, which was used in this
research, is internal validity. Internal validity reached if there is a
correlation between parts and the entire instrument (Arikunto, 2006:171).
to Sugiyono (2013:121), research result that is reliable, if there is data
similarity in different time. Reliability is used to know the degree of
stability of the instrument. Because of the test used objective test, so the
writer used multiple choice type question with five alternative answers a, b,
c, d, and e as the instrument of the research. Reliability is an instrument
which is believable to be used as data collector tool because that instrument
is good (Arikunto, 2006:178).
writer used Pearson’s correlation computation to calculate the validity and
reliability of instrument. The writer used SPSS 16.0. The writer did try out
twice. The first try out to get validity and reliability for pretest and the
second try out to get validity and reliability for posttest. The validity and
reliability are explained below:
1. Validity
of Reading Test (Pre Test)
writer has already made two instruments that have same difficulty. The writer
does the first tryout on
March 2015. In the first tryout, there are 50
questions and the result of the first tryout that is valid is 44 questions and
the instrument that is not valid is 6 questions. The writer only used 40
questions as the instrument for pretest. The writer has chosen the example
number 1 to check the validity. This is the calculation the instrument number 1
can be seen on the table below:
Table 1. Validity for
Pre Test
Item 1
Pearson correlation
Sig. ( 2- Tailed )
the computation above, the writer finds that the r-test value is 0.405. Then,
the level of significant 5%, we find that r-table with N = 30 is 0.361, so
r-test is higher than of the r-table (0.405 > 0.361). It can be said that the
question is “VALID”. The
result of the first validity is able to be seen in Appendix 3.
2. Reliability
of Reading Test (Pre Test)
The writer has
already made two instruments that have same difficulty. The writer does the
first tryout on
March 2015. In the first tryout, there are 50
questions and the result of the first tryout that is valid is 44 questions and
the instrument that is not valid is 6 questions. From the table, we know that
Table 2. Reliability for Pre Test
N of
writer uses Cronbach's Alpha
technique to count reliability of instrument and it is counted by SPSS 16.0. From
the result above, we find that the r-test is 0.890. The level of significant is 5 %, we find
that r-table with N = 30 is 0.361, so r-test is higher
than r-table (0.890
It can be said that the test is “RELIABLE”.
3. Validity
of Reading Test (Post Test)
writer does the second tryout on
2015. In the second tryout, there are 50 questions and the result of the second
tryout that is valid is 45 questions and the instrument that is not valid is 5
questions. The writer only uses 40 questions as the instrument for posttest. The
writer has chosen the example number 1 to check the validity. This is the
calculation the instrument number 1 can be seen on the table below:
Table 3.Validity for Post Test
Item 1
Pearson correlation
Sig. ( 2- Tailed )
the computation above, the writer finds that the r-test value is 0.705. Then, the
level of significant 5%, we find that r-table with N = 30 is 0.361, so r-test
is higher than of the r-table (0.705 > 0.361). It can be said that the
question is “VALID”. The
result of the second validity is able to be seen in Appendix 12.
4. Reliability
of Reading Test (Post Test)
The writer has
already made two instruments that have same difficulty. The writer does the
second tryout on
2015. In the second tryout, there are 50 questions and the result of the second
tryout that is valid is 44 questions and the instrument that is not valid is 6
questions. From the table we know that reliability:
Table 4. Reliability for Post Test
N of
The writer uses Cronbach's Alpha technique to count
reliability of instrument and it is counted by SPSS 16.0. From
the result above, we find that the r-test is 0.736. The level of significant is
5 %, we find that r-table with N = 30 is 0.361, so r-test is higher
than r-table (0.736 > 0.361). It can be said that
the test is “RELIABLE”.
E. Data
Analysis Technique
Before the
writer answered the hypothesis testing, firstly the writer did pre analysis
testing. Pre analysis testing used to know the homogeneity of sample, the
normality of sample, Paired Sample T-test, and Independent Sample T-test which
are explained as follow:
1. Homogeneity
to Arikunto (2006:320), homogeneity is the group variance similarity of the
samples which are taken from the same population. The aim is to find whether
there is significant difference mean between the samples. In this research, the
writer took score of pretest to know the homogeneity of sample distribution. The
sample is told homogenous if the value of F-test (F0) is lower than
F-table (Ft) (Ft > F0). It means there is no
significant difference mean between the samples. To find out the homogeneity of
the samples, the writer uses SPSS program.
To find out whether
there is significant or not of the value of F0, the writer consults
to the F table with the value of df between groups (dbk)
shows the column of the table, and the value of df within groups (dbd)
the row of the table. If F-table is higher than F-test (Ft > F0),
it means there is no significant difference mean between the samples, in other
word the sample that used is homogenous.
2. Normality
According to Arikunto (2007:301), normality is organizing trial/testing
data which will be analyzed is normal or not. If the data has
normal distribution, the sample of population is equal. The writer used pre-test
score of both sample and analyzed by using SPSS
(Statistical Product and Service Solution) program in testing normality of
the data by using One-Sample Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test, the normality
criteria are as follows:
a) If
score of the significance (sig.) or score of probality (p) < 0.05,
distribution of the data is not normal.
b) If
score of the significance (sig.) or score of probality (p) > 0.05,
distribution of the data is normal.
formula of normality test as follow:
Zi =
, where Si =
In wich: Zi = normality
Yi = total
Y = mean
Si = standart
N = number of students
Sample T-Test
Paired Sample
T-Test is two measurements on the same subject (within-subject design) toward
an effect or certain treatment (Trihandredi, 2004:103). The measurement before
and after giving the treatment is measured. If the treatment does not give
effect, so mean difference is null.
T =
In which: T = t-statistic
d = the mean difference
SE( d) = the standard error of the mean
Sample T-test
Independent Sample
T-test Is used to examine the significance of mean difference two groups. This
test usually is used to examine effect of one independent variable toward one
or more dependent variable (Trihendradi, 2004:99). The writer searches t-test
(Computing t-test). T-test is used to know whether there is significant,
difference (in the certain degree) from both variables that will be researched
(Sudjana, 2009:149).
= t-test
= the number of students group I
= the number of students group II
= combination of variants
chapter consists of implementation of using English newspapers, data
description, data analysis, and findings and discussions.
A. Data
mentioned previously, this research was held at the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic year of 2014/2015 since
2015. The writer gave try out twice. The first try out was to get validity and
reliability for pretest and the second try out was to get validity and
reliability for posttest. After conducting try out, the writer did pretest to
calculate homogeneity and normality to the sample. The writer had done the
research in eight meetings which focused on reading achievement. In this
research, the writer taught two classes (class XI IA
2 and class XI IA 4), Class XI IA 4 as the experimental group which was
taught by using English newspapers. Then, class XI IA 2 as the control group
which was not taught by using English newspapers. The material in teaching
reading based on lesson plan is about report and analytical exposition text. The
things that distinguish them were the reading text. Then, the writer gave posttest
to calculate paired and independent sample t-test.
this experiment, the writer divided into following stages to get the data, they
1. Try
writer created try out instrument. The writer divided into two; try out 1 and
try out 2. The try out 1 was held on
2015, the test was multiple choices which consisted of 50 questions. The
materials were report and analytical exposition text. Try out 1 was used to
know validity and reliability for pretest. The try out 2 was held on and
2015, the test was multiple choices which consisted of 50 questions. The
materials were report and analytical exposition text. Try out 2 was used to
know validity and reliability for posttest. Try out was given for class XI IA 3.
The students had to do it in 90 minutes.
2. Pretest
writer created pretest instrument. The pretest was given before the writer gave
the treatment. For the experiment group (class XI IA 4), the writer gave pretest
2015 and for the control group (class XI IA 2), on
2015. Pretest was used to measure the beginning’s ability of the students. The
test was about report and analytical exposition text. The test was multiple
choices which consisted of 40 questions and students had to do it in 80
3. Treatment
the writer gave pretest for the students then the writer gave the treatment to
apply the implementation of using English newspapers in teaching reading. The
writer used Jigsaw strategy in teaching reading to the students. The writer
also had prepared lesson materials. The materials which were given in the
treatment was about report and analytical exposition text which taken from English
newspapers and English handout.
The treatment had been held since
2015 until
Table 5. The
Treatment of Experimental Group
Report text
The teacher explained goal, general
structure, language features, and an example of report text.
The students studied the text entitled “Spiders”.
Report text
The students studied the text entitled
exposition text
The teacher explained goal, general
structure, language features, and an example of Analytical exposition text. The students studied the text entitled
“Opportunity in the Global Financial Crisis”.
exposition text
The students studied the text entitled
“Jakarta issue”.
Report text
The students studied the text entitled
Report text
The students studied the text entitled
“Strange old animal”.
exposition text
The students studied the text entitled
“Career in Translation”.
exposition text
The students studied the text entitled
“Writing for Money Online”.
From table 5, it
can be drawn the explanation during treatment for eight meetings in SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang as paragraph below.
At the first
meeting, the students studied report
and the title is ‘Spiders’. The students were divided into some groups and each
group consisted 4-6 students then the groups were given one text. Each group
got one text and each member of the group got one paragraph. Then, they were
asked to analyze the text with the new group, this group discussed the same
paragraph. They should find the main idea. After that, they come back to their
original group to deliver the result to other member. Then, they were explained
about the definition of report text, goal, general structure, language
features, and an example. After that, they were asked about goal, general
structure, language features of that text.
At the second
meeting, the students studied another material. The title is ‘Whales’. The
groups were checked and given one text. As usual, each member of the groups got
one paragraph. After that, they made a new group that got same paragraph. They
were asked to read that text loudly and the writer checked their pronunciation.
Then, they translated and tried to find main idea of the text. After that, they
come back to their original group and they delivered the result to other
member. They discussed what kind of text it is, goal general structure,
language features of that text.
At the third
meeting, they studied analytical exposition text with the title ‘Opportunity in the
Global Financial Crisis’. The groups were checked and given one text. As usual,
each member of the group got one paragraph. After that, they made a new group
that got same paragraph. They were asked to read that text and the writer
checked their pronunciation. Then, they translated and tried to find main idea
of the text. After that, they come back to their original group and they
delivered the result to other group. Then, they were explained about the
definition of analytical exposition text, goal, general structure, language
features, and an example. After that, they were asked about goal, general
structure, language features of that text.
At the fourth
meeting, the students studied another material. The title is ‘Jakarta issue’. The
groups were checked and given one text. As usual, each member of the group got
one paragraph. After that, they made a new group that got same paragraph. They
were asked to read that text loudly and their pronunciation were checked. Then,
they translated and tried to find main idea of the text. After that, they come
back to their original group and they delivered the result to other member.
They discussed what kind of text it is, goal general structure, language
features of that text.
At the fifth
meeting, the students studied report
with the title ‘Elephants’. The groups were checked and given one text. As
usual, each member of the group got one paragraph. After that, they made a new
group that got same paragraph. They were asked to read that text and their
pronunciation were checked. Then, they translated and tried to find main idea
of the text. After that, they come back to their original group and they
delivered the result to other group. Then, they were explained about the
definition of report text, goal, general structure, language features, and an
example. After that, they were asked about goal, general structure, language
features of that text.
At the sixth
meeting, the students studied another material. The title is ‘Strange old
animal’. The groups were checked and given one text. As usual, each member of
the group got one paragraph. After that, they made a new group that got same
paragraph. They were asked to read that text loudly and their pronunciation
were checked. Then, they translated and tried to find main idea of the text.
After that, they come back to their original group and they delivered the
result to other member. They discussed what kind of text it is, goal general
structure, language features of that text.
At the seventh
meeting, the students studied analytical exposition text with the title ‘Career in
Translation’ for the experimental group. The groups were checked and given one
text. As usual, each member of the group got one paragraph. After that, they
made a new group that got same paragraph. They are asked to read that text and their
pronunciation were checked. Then, they translated and tried to find main idea
of the text. After that, they come back to their original group and they
delivered the result to other group. Then, they were explained about the
definition of analytical exposition text, goal, general structure, language
features, and an example. After that, they were asked about goal, general
structure, language features of that text.
At the eight
meeting, the students studied another material with the title ‘Writing for
Money Online’. The groups were checked and given one text. As usual, each
member of the group got one paragraph. After that, they made a new group that
got same paragraph. They were asked to read that text loudly and their
pronunciation were checked. Then, they translated and tried to find main idea
of the text. After that, they come back to their original group and they
delivered the result to other member. They discussed what kind of text it is,
goal general structure, language features of that text.
The treatment
was done in eight meetings. Then the writer gave them posttest.
4. Posttest
the writer finished all the treatment during 8 meetings, the writer gave
posttest. It was used to find out whether the students understood the material
which the writer gave to them and the test showed whether there were
differences on the students after using and applying English newspapers in
teaching reading. the writer gave posttest on
2015 for the experimental group (class XI IA
4) and on
2015 for the control group (class XI
IA 2).
The test was 40 multiple choices and it was given in 80 minutes. The instrument
of the test was different with pretest. The instrument taken from the result of
second try out.
B. Data
Analysis Testing
the writer answered the hypothesis testing, the writer did pre analysis
testing. Pre analysis testing used to know homogeneity and normality of the sample.
to Arikunto (2006:320), homogeneity is the condition of the samples variance
from the same population. The aim was to find whether there is significant
difference mean between the samples. In this research, the writer took score of
try out to know the homogeneity of sample distribution. The sample is told
homogenous if the value of significance (Sig) is higher than 0,05 (Sig >
0,05) an. To find out the homogeneity of the samples, the writer used SPSS 16.0.
The result of homogeneity test was as follow:
Table 6. The Result of Homogeneity Test
The sample is
told homogenous if the value of significance is higher than 0,05 (Trihendradi,
2004:110). From the table above, it is known that the significance is 0.207. Thus, the significance is higher than
0.05 (0.207>0.05).
It means the sample is homogenous.
writer uses try out score to know the
normality of the test. To find out normality of the samples,
the writer uses SPSS 16.0. The data is
normal If the value of significance (Sig) is higher than 0.05 (Trihendradi,
Table 7. The Result of Normality Test
a. Lilliefors Significance
table above shows the result by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Lilliefors
test. The result of value (sig) of both groups are higher than 0.05. So based
on Lilliefors test, the data of both groups are normal.
2. Hypotheses Testing
Hypothesis 1 (
writer calculates paired
t-test by using SPSS 16.0 program. Paired
t-test is used to find whether there is an effect on students’ reading
achievement by using English newspapers after the treatment to experimental
group. Here is the output of paired
sample test:
Table 8. The Result of Paired Samples Statistics Experimental Group
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
Based on the
table above, it can be seen that mean of Posttest is higher than mean of Pretest (76.083>61.167). It means
there is an effect on students’ reading achievement by
using English newspapers after the treatment to experimental group.
Table 9. The Result of Paired Samples T-Test Experimental
Std. Error
Confidence Interval of the Difference
Pair 1
Pretest- Posttest
on the paired sample test
above, the result of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000. The writer finds the result of
the Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 (0.000>0.05). Because the
result of Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 so the null hypothesis (H01)
is refused and the hypothesis (H1) is accepted. It means that using English newspapers are
effective in teaching reading on their reading achievement for the Eleventh
graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic year of 2014/2015.
Table 10. The Result of Paired Samples Correlations Experimental Group
Pair 1
Pretest- Posttest
on the paired sample correlations
above, the writer can conclude that the correlation between pretest and
posttest is categorized strong. In this case, the writer knows the effectiveness
of using English newspapers in teaching reading on their reading achievement
for the Eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang. The result is 0.641 = strong.
0 - 0.199 :
very weak
0.20 - 0.399 : weak
0.40 - 0.599 : moderate
0.60 - 0.799 : strong
0.80 - 1.0 : very strong (Sugiyono, 2013:242)
Hypothesis 2 (
writer calculates t-test in SPSS 16.0 program by using paired sample t-test. Here is the output
of paired
sample test:
Table 11. The Result of Paired Samples T-Test Control
Std. Error
Confidence Interval of the Difference
Pair 1
Pretest- Posttest
on the paired sample test
above, the result of Sig. (2-tailed) is
0.232. The writer finds the result of the Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05
Because the result of the Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 so the null
hypothesis (H02) is accepted and the hypothesis (H2) is
refused. It means
that using English textbooks are not effective in teaching reading on their
reading achievement for the Eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the
academic year of 2014/2015.
Table 12. The Result of Paired Samples Correlations Control
on the paired sample correlations
above, the writer can conclude that the correlation between pretest and
posttest is very weak. In this case, the writer knows the effectiveness of
using English newspapers in teaching reading on their reading achievement for
the Eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang. The result is 0.090 = very
Hypothesis 3 (
writer calculates independent sample t-test by using SPSS 16.0. Independent sample t-test is used to find
whether there is significant difference between experimental group and control
group. Here is the output of hypothesis testing:
Table 13. The Result of Group Statistics of Independent Sample T-Test
Error Mean
IA 2
Based on the
table above, it can be seen that mean of experimental group Posttest is higher than mean of control group posttest (76.083>57.500). It means students who are taught by using English newspapers
have higher score than students who are not.
Table 14. The Result Independent Samples T-test
Levene's Test for Equality of
t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Difference
Std. Error Difference
95% Confidence Interval of the
variances assumed
variances not assumed
is shown by the following hypothesis:
calculating independent samples t-test
above, the result of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000. The writer finds that the result
of the Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 (0.000<0.05).
Because the result of the Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05, so the null
hypothesis (H03) was refused and the hypothesis (H3) is accepted.
It means that there is significant difference in reading
achievement between the students who are taught by using English newspapers and
the students who are not.
C. Findings
and Discussions
on the result of study at the Eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic year of 2014/2015,
the writer formulates some findings and discussions as follows:
the writer finds that the result of Sig. (2-tailed) of paired sample t-test on
experimental group 0.000>0.05. It can be concluded that using
English newspapers are effective in teaching reading to the students.
In implementing English newspapers, when the writer taught, students are highly motivating in
opening dictionary to find the new words they did not know. Thus, students
enjoyed it because they knew more about what happened in the world. Moreover,
for students using English newspapers are a highly effective way of bringing
the target culture closer. Using English newspapers were not bored as students
expected before. It also can be seen for the first time when the teacher gave
the first treatment, they looked lazy to follow the class but after several
activities they felt enthusiastic in doing the tasks that were given by
the writer. They also were active in their groups and the slow learner can
cooperate with fast learner. If they had questions they would directly asked
the writer. By giving a text, they read the text, and they opened dictionary to
know the meaning of the text. After they knew the meaning, then they read the
text loudly. The writer finds
that there was also an improvement to the students in mastering vocabularies. This
opinion is strengthen by the theory of English newspapers. According
to Laconchova
(2006:13), the students develop
their vocabularies from basic words to the latest terms and expressions. It
proves with the fact in the field, they can translate the text better than
before. By knowing more vocabularies they also can express the idea from the
writer finds that the result of Sig. (2-tailed) of independent sample t-test on
experimental group 0.000>0.05. It can be concluded that there is significant
difference between students who are taught by using English newspaper and those
who are not. In the field, The writer gave material of the lesson and it is
about report and analytical exposition text. The things that distinguish them
were the reading text. The writer
does not have significant problems in the teaching process using
English newspapers. Only in the
teaching process there are still some students who are not active and the
writer should be able to make them active with the group.
long as the writer taught there, the writer found some difficulties in teaching
and learning process. For the eleventh grade, the students both of the class
that were experimental group and control group were quite hard to control them.
Then, the writer tried to attract them with discussed something they like for
example about their hobbies or something that happened around us. The second is when the writer started to give
the material about report and analytical exposition text. The writer gave
English newspapers to the experimental group which are taken from internet etc. When the writer asked them to read
report and analytical exposition text there was many mistaken in pronouncing
some words. In process of time they were enjoy and became familiar with the
text, moreover when the writer discussed report and analytical exposition text
they like. It proved that they more motivated to read and they became active. This
opinion is strengthen by the theory of English newspapers. According to Tafani
(2009:84), the variety of
subjects and topics makes newspapers interesting and motivating for the
students to work with. English newspapers make
the students feel interesting and motivating in learning English because in
English newspapers provide various subjects and topics, so it makes the
students do not feel bored. It is very important in English learning’s success.
It was different with the control group, the writer gave material about report
and analytical exposition text based on their handout for the control group. So
they were not surprised with the text especially in teaching and learning
process. In this class, they were looked bored and unenthusiastic with the
lesson. They just did what the writer asked. They were passive. So the point is
students who taught by English newspapers are more active and motivating to
read then students who are not taught by English newspapers. It is very clear that there is significant
difference between students who are taught by using English newspaper and those
who are not.
the writer can conclude that using English newspapers are effective in teaching
reading to the students and there is significant difference between students who
are taught by using English newspaper and those who are not (An Experimental Research
at the Eleventh Graders of SMA
Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic year of 2014/2015.
chapter consists of conclusions and suggestions of the research.
A. Conclusions
on the result of study at the Eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Balapulang in the academic year of 2014/2015,
the writer concludes as follows:
1. To
describe the implementation of using English newspapers, the writer describe it
based on the treatment in chapter IV. The steps are the
writer divided students into some groups and each group consisted 4-6 students
then the writer gave the groups one text. Each group got one text and each
member of the group got one paragraph. Then, they were asked them to analyze the
text with the new group, this group discussed the same paragraph. They should
find the main idea. After that, they come back to their original group to deliver
the result to other member.
2. The
writer calculates Sig. (2-tailed) of paired sample t-test on experimental group
to measure whether or not the implementation of teaching reading using English
newspapers are effective to students. The result of t-test is 0.000
and it
proves that the result of Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 (0.000>0.05.
It can be concluded that the null hypothesis (H01) is refused and
the hypothesis (H1) is accepted. It means using
English newspapers are effective in teaching reading to the students.
3. The
writer calculates paired sample correlation in experimental group
to measure the effectiveness of using English
newspapers. In this research, the paired sample correlation is 0.641. This
number is consulted with the criteria of the correlation, the result is strong
effective to teach reading. It can be assumed that the progress from pre test
to post test is categorized STRONG.
4. The
writer calculates
(2-tailed) of independent sample t-test to measure whether or not there is any
significant difference between students who are taught using English newspaper
and those who are not,. The result of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 and it proves
that the result of Sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 (0.000>0.05).
It can be concluded that the null hypothesis (H03) is refused and
the hypothesis (H3) is accepted. It means there is significant
difference in reading achievement between the students who are taught by using
English newspapers and the students who are not.
the implementation of teaching reading using English newspapers is effective to the Eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Balapulang in the academic
year of 2014/2015, the implementation is categorized strong effective, and
there is significant differences in reading achievement between the students
who are taught by using English newspapers and the students who are not.
B. Suggestions
conducting this research, the writer would like to give some suggestions as
1. The
teacher should improve their professionalism in teaching reading through a
creative learning to make the students easy to achieve the goal.
2. The
teacher can look for the reading materials in English newspapers,
magazines, and other sources.
3. The
teacher need to apply various strategies in teaching reading in order to the
students are not bored.
4. The
teacher should provide and choose the materials which are suitable for the
5. The
teacher should give students brainstorming to make students are not bored when
they got reading lesson.
6. The
teacher should give students motivation and reinforcement.
7. The
students should bring English dictionary.
8. The
students should often read the texts from many sources such as English
newspapers, magazine, etc.
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