Monday, 11 January 2016

English Game


Levels             :           beginning, adult
Functions       :           to enrich student’s vocabulary and to introduce students with some new words based on the picture through peer teaching.

Procedure      :
1.      Teacher prepares some picture cards
2.      The students work in pairs or in group of 4
3.      Distribute the picture cards to each group, put the cards face down, and each group has some picture cards.
4.      Ask the first turner of each pair or group to take a card and guess the name of the object in the picture, for example “it’s a book”
5.      If able to give correct word for the picture, the player keeps the card and turns over another card. If not, the teacher will take the card.
6.      The groups do the same until the last card.
7.      The groups with the most right answer becoming the winner.

Note          :           for adult, besides giving a word for the picture, they also should give its part of speech, its definition, and a sentence containing that word.

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